Research and Evaluation Projects
Evaluation of the Language Link (for refugees) to Mainstream Mental Health project, Client: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS), Community & Integration Division, Sept to Nov, 2020
- Met with Staff and Reviewed Background Material in Project Start-up – discussed timelines, process, and scope of the project with Team Lead and Coordinator. Reviewed program material, needs assessments, polling data and end of session participant questions from training, and any other feedback received.
- Developed Evaluation Tools – Worked collaboratively with staff to design evaluation tools to measure the program’s success rates, i.e. meeting outcomes as determined by the indicators, client impacts and overall effectiveness.
- Implemented Evaluation Tools and Collected Data – Conducted the implementation of the evaluation tools on current service delivery: collaborate with staff to coordinate Zoom meetings with partners, (key informant interviews); conduct surveys on Survey Monkey; and held other meetings as needed.
- Analyzed Data – From the data collected, analyzed the data for trends, correlations and ratings, through evaluation methodology and completed Final Report with conclusions and recommendations.
Evaluation of the Overall Effectiveness and Efficiency of Operations of the Settlement of Newcomers to Calgary, Client: CCIS, Resettlement & Integration, August, 2019 to January, 2020
- Designed an evaluation plan and tools to evaluate the division’s performance management system, work-flow processes, communication systems, planning, standardization of services, and organizational design. Provided guidance and insight into methods for data collection and analysis that will enable the division to get a clearer picture of the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery.
- Facilitated the implementation of evaluation tools: focus groups with counsellors; key informant interviews; and observations. Conducted group sessions with Team Leads to map work processes.
- Analyzed the data collected to determine: gaps and/or overlaps in service delivery, uncertainty of employees’ roles and responsibilities/accountability, gaps or redundancies in communication/reporting, missing components in the performance management system and the overall effectiveness of the organizational design of the division.
- Advised Management on recommendations and next steps to implement an action plan to improve systems and performance management in 2020.
Evaluation Project of Employment Services, Client: CCIS, Business Employment and Training Division, January to April, 2019
- Designed an evaluation plan with stakeholder input to gather evidence to determine if having a 4-step process, e.g. settlement, (Calgary- A New Chapter), to enhanced soft skills (Employment and Communications workshop), to providing support and guidance (Mentorship program) and then to clients successfully practicing these enhanced skills at a higher confidence level (Networking), is more successful in client outcomes than only having stand-alone programs such as Mentoring and Networking.
- Developed evaluation tools to measure program outcomes and to determine how effectively and efficiently the programs are meeting their objectives.
- Collected and analyzed data to provide findings, analysis, conclusions and recommendations in a report.
Evaluation of Program Outcomes and Services, Client: CCIS, Language Instruction for Newcomers, January to April, 2019
- Evaluated the program to determine if there are any gaps in service delivery, suggestions for improvements, if needed, and to analyze LINC program’s impact on clients’ overall settlement.
- Developed evaluation tools to measure client outcomes, as described in the LINC Logic Model and secondly to evaluate how well the overall delivery of LINC programming addresses the changing demographic profile of clients, i.e. higher illiteracy rates and number of refugee clients.
- Collected and then analyzed data. A final report was written with recommendations.
Revision and Development of Settlement and Community Connection Logic Model and Evaluation Framework Model Client: CCIS, Spring 2019
- Developed, (in consultation with the Manager), the Settlement & Integration Program Logic Model, which included indicators for outcome evaluation and measurement.
Development of an Overall Agency Evaluation Framework, Client: CCIS, December 2017 to May 2018
- Developed an Evaluation Framework in collaboration with managers and staff, which included: Issues Identification, Evaluation Questions, Level of Priorities, Indicators, Data Sources and Collection Methods.
- Piloted evaluation tools (interviews, surveys and focus groups) for client programming.
- Analyzed the data collected from the pilot evaluation tools for both RAP and Employment Services to determine the effectiveness of program delivery and impact with client settlement to Canada.
- Provided conclusions and recommendations in a report to the client.
Additional Consulting Projects
- Business Case Report, Southern Alberta Need for Settlement Support of Newcomers in Smaller Communities for the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society.
- Business Planning, SunAlta Grains Ltd., – Conducted market research for a new start-up company, “Saw’n Logs Inc.” Developed a business plan that included: Business Description, Products & Services, Industry Overview, Marketing Strategy, Operations, Management, and Financials.
- Market analysis for two east coast companies – producing reports with findings, recommendations and action plans for business development in entering the UK market.
- An Assessment of a Social Purchasing Portal for the Halifax Region, Social Economic and Community Development
- Evaluation project funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to review Community Connections programming for Newcomers (Immigrants and Refugees) to Calgary to make recommendations for improvement and to evaluate and compare to best practices in settlement.
- Development of Operational Guidelines – Sponsorship of Refugees Program as part of an overall quality assurance initiative by the federal government.
- Project Plan of how to conduct a job comparison and salary evaluation in the nonprofit sector for the Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies.
- Updated Financial Policies and Procedures for a non-profit agency.
- Evaluation project to review a “Welcome to Calgary Orientation Program” for newcomers to make recommendations for improvement.
- Audited operations to gain a comprehensive overview of the organization, its strengths and areas of challenge, and arrive at the “gaps” between the current organizational structure and an organization designed to meet its goals. Overall elements of this review included systems, processes, operations, communication, and people (job functions, skills, capabilities, and leadership).