If I had a crystal ball, and could tell fortunes, what would the future hold for you and your business?
But I do not have a crystal ball, so …
Where can you find inspiration and motivation to move towards your 2021 goals?
The Answer Could be Using the Services of a Coach.
The essence of a coach is to listen and ask relevant questions to enhance your understanding of you. The process creates “aha” moments to hear your own voice.
Can’t I just talk with other small business owners or friends and get their advice?
But the difference with coaching is that the coach is guiding you through a process by asking questions and reflecting your responses back to you. Not telling you what to do. The coach is non-judgmental and acknowledges the coachee’s strengths.
Can A Coach Help With Resilience?
You may have heard a lot of talk about resilience. And how we have to be resilient in times of stress. If you are like me, you are probably wondering what the heck does this mean???
If I look at the definition it states:
Resilience: Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.
As much as resilience involves “bouncing back” from these difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth.[1]
So How Do you Bounce Back?
Like building a muscle, increasing your resilience takes time and intention. Focusing on four core components—connection, wellness, healthy thinking, and meaning—can empower you to withstand and learn from difficult and traumatic experiences.[2]
I would like to focus on the last point – meaning
Find purpose and Move Forward Towards Goals
Develop some realistic goals and do something regularly—even if it seems like a small accomplishment—that enables you to move toward the things you want to accomplish. Instead of focusing on tasks that seem unachievable, ask yourself,
“What’s one thing I know I can accomplish today that helps me move in the direction I want to go?”[3]
Look for Opportunities for Self-Discovery
People often find that they have grown in some respect as a result of a struggle. For example, after a tragedy or hardship, people have reported better relationships and a greater sense of strength, even while feeling vulnerable. That can increase their sense of self-worth and heighten their appreciation for life.[4]
This Sounds Good – But I Could Use Some Support!
In reality, we all have good intentions at the start of year. We set some goals, think about what we would like to do and then get started. But somewhere along the way, life happens and plans get derailed. We lose momentum. And goals get put to the side.
This is where a Coach could help.
What is the Coaching Process?
The process I learned through Shana Ring at Destination Leadership is called the Guide Coaching Model©. It includes:
- Goals – supports the coachee to identify their own goals and objectives
- Understand – supports the coachee to gain understanding, awareness and clarity
- Insight – support the coachee to develop insight, ideas, and solutions
- Design – supports the coachee to design their action plan
- Enable – supports and enables the coachee to take action to meet their goal.[5]
I have been coached and found the process beneficial. It pulls thoughts (Insights) out of you which makes you feel empowered. When the gurus tell you that the answers are inside of you, I am now thinking they are right. 😊
Since taking this coach training, I am a believer in the process. I became a certified coach and facilitator of training for coaching in the workplace. (Destination Leadership) It gives me great pleasure to support others in moving forward towards their goals and dreams.
If you would like to know more information about the coaching process, please contact me at Diana@mindwisecommunications.com
Best Wishes for 2021! And take care,
[1] American Psychology Association, 2012, Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience
[2] Op. Cit.
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] Shana Ring, 2010, Expedition Coaching Program, Destination Leadership