Do you ever feel that there is so much information coming at you that it stops you from doing something? And the more research you do, the more unsure you become in deciding your next step? There is a name
How Do We Know If We Are Living Our Best Life?
Is it that we feel content? Enjoy our work? Have people around us that we enjoy being with? I am pondering these questions while visiting Stettler – Buffalo Like for July long weekend. During this time I found out that
How to Rewire Your Brain to Age Well
How are you? If you are like most people, myself included, you will say ‘fine’ and then carry on not thinking too much about the question. It is a social greeting, no big deal… right? But what if we could
What Would Bring You Alive in 2024?
Going From Average Energy to Grabbing Hold of Life with a Smile on Your Face I would call 2023 a recovery year for me. It was post-pandemic, post my Dad and father-in-law’s deaths in 2022, and post international travel restrictions.
Sometimes Having More Meaning in Life is Getting Rid of the “Shoulds”
I should do this… I should do that… They want me to… I feel guilty if I … All of this ‘shoulding’ on yourself can bring you down. This dims your light and your natural inclinations do not shine as
There are Certain Actions That Can Increase Your Well-Being and Health
Giving Back is the Answer to Aging Well Why is it important to give back to the community? Because the secret to living is giving. True fulfillment doesn’t lie in material possessions, following a certain blueprint for your life or
Do You Feel Your Life is Meaningful?
Wow, that is a difficult question! But it a topic I have been mulling over. Below is what I wrote in January when I started this aging well blog. July Find More Meaning Treating others well, with kindness, generosity, and
Engaging Your Senses to Be Present
Is it possible to train the brain to ‘live in the moment’? Yes! But realistically your brain will wander when you are tired, sick or stressed and may go places that you do not want it to. But that’s okay…
Do you live in the Present Moment?
Or do you find yourself thinking more about the past or planning for the future? For me, recently, I am dwelling in the past a great deal, trying to make sense of it all. I think a lot of this
Do You Ever Wonder What it Would Take to Live a Long and Happy Life?
Well, it turns out, that the quality of your relationships is key. “The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health,” said Robert Waldinger, director of the