As you reflect upon last year and then think about the new year ahead, what possibilities are you considering?
What brings a smile to your face and what makes you feel tired just thinking about it?

I think a goal for many of us, is to bring that smile out more often…to enjoy what we have right now.  I have been doing a great deal of reflecting after returning to Calgary this past year after living abroad for 4 years in the Netherlands. Some of the questions I am mulling over are:

What work projects do I want to pursue?

What do I want to learn more about?

What creative outlets are important to me?

How can I improve my health?

Where do I want to travel to next?

What is really important to me?

When I reflect upon these questions, what I am really asking is what makes me happy?  Lately it has been a series of small things.

  • My niece’s laugh and smile as we play in the snow.
Through the eyes of a child everything is magical.
  • The stillness of the air and the sting of the snow on my face as I ski through the forest.
Feeling good: Cross-country skiing in the Kimberley, BC, area.
  • The twinkling of the Christmas lights as my husband and I walk through the old neighborhood.
Checking out the Christmas lights


It is noticing and appreciating the things I sometimes take for granted.

What brings a smile to your face when you reflect upon this past year?  How can you incorporate more of these activities or connections into your daily life?

As an ending to this post, I thought I would leave you with this quote,

“Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are.” Chinese Proverb

Keep smiling and best wishes for 2017,

What Makes You Smile?

2 thoughts on “What Makes You Smile?

  • January 17, 2021 at 5:55 pm

    Your niece’s smile was really sweet and melt. I like your reflections and often have the same feelings: When I saw one little boy was happily waving to the conductor sitting on the passing NCP train, which seems ordinary but very warm; When I saw the fresh snow on the trees shining under the pretty sunny sky; When I saw the decoration balls on the hiking trails touching the hikers’s heart.
    You are right, there are still many beautiful things around us, worthy to be discovered,to be appreciated.
    Thanks for your articles!
    Best regards,

    • January 22, 2021 at 5:45 pm

      Hi Xiu,

      I am glad you enjoyed the blog post. Taking the time to enjoy the small things can really lighten up our days during this stressful period of time.

      Take care,


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